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  • How Windows 10 ends up like Windows 7

    Hot AngryAngry

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    How Windows 10 ends up like Windows 7

    How Windows 10 ends up like Windows 7. Windows 10, which was marketed as a dramatic break from Windows’ past in terms of how it was serviced, may end up as a Windows 7 clone in the coming years. How Windows 10 ends up feeling a lot like Windows 7. Yes, Windows 7 is the […] More

  • Microsoft Windows 11 Bios Integration


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    Microsoft Windows 11 Bios Integration

    Microsoft Windows 11 Bios Integration. Microsoft DOS, and later Windows, have seen significant changes throughout the years. When Windows first appeared, it was merely a UI shell on top of DOS. Then, in 1995, Windows 95 absorbed DOS to create something new – but it lacked security. Windows 8 attempted to incorporate the smartphone experience, […] More