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How to use Live Text on Mac?

How to use Live Text on Mac?

How to use Live Text on Mac
How to use Live Text on Mac

How to use Live Text on Mac? You can use Apple’s Live Text function to copy, distribute, translate, or search for text found in an image. You can also call or message a contact by selecting phone numbers or email addresses recorded in a snapshot. This function is already available on iPhones running iOS 15, and it is now available for Macs running macOS Monterey.

For the time being, just a few Mac apps, including Safari, Photos, Preview, Quick Look, and the built-in screenshot tool, support Live Text. Live Text works with both live and static images within those apps. Simply place a text-containing object in front of your Mac’s camera, or open a web page or file containing a text-containing image.

What is Live Text on Mac?

Apple’s version of an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) reader, Live Text, reads the text in photographs and digitises it for you to use as needed. The scanned text is considered a rich result, which means it can recognise and differentiate between places, numbers, emails, addresses, and so on.

Only Macs running macOS Monterey or later can use this functionality. And it is compatible with certain of Apple’s native apps.

  1. Photos
  2. Preview
  3. Quick Look
  4. Safari

How to use Live Text on Mac?

use Live Text on Mac

Here is the list of 8 methods to use Live Text on Mac:

  1. Open any image with text in the compatible app.
  2. Place the pointer over the text.
  3. As the cursor converts into the text selection tool, drag and selects the text.

Once selected, you can do a variety of things with the text; let’s have a look at some of them.

Method #1. Drag and drop selected text between Mac apps

This a useful feature for any multitasker. Simply drag and drop the desired text from the image onto another supported app or text field. Surprisingly, the drop point does not have to be an app. Drop the text box anywhere on the desktop or in a folder, and Mac will automatically create a .txt file for it.

Method #2. Copy text from photos

Copy the text by pressing Command+C or right-clicking on it and selecting Copy. Open the desired location and copy it. Notably, you can paste this text onto iPhone and iPad if Handoff (Universal Clipboard) is enabled.

Method #3. Look up text from images

When you right-click on the text, an instant contextual menu appears. Select Look Up “text” to learn more about the text. Depending on the text picked, numerous options may appear, such as Siri Knowledge, dictionary, Siri Suggested websites, news, movies, and so on.

Method #4. Search the web for selected text

You can also use the default Safari search engine to learn more about the text in the image. From the contextual menu, choose Search with Google (search engine). A Safari tab containing search results will appear immediately.

Method #5. Translate text within images

Select Translate “text” from the contextual menu. A window showing the translation in the system’s default language will appear. Change the language if necessary by clicking the menu button.

Method #6. Share the text in images with others

You can send the selected text through message or email, or store it to Notes or Reminders. Choose Share from the contextual menu and then your preferred choice.

Method #7. Make a call, send an email or visit the website

If the image includes a phone number, postal address, email address, or website, you can use it to contact, call, FaceTime, text, obtain directions, mail, or visit the website. Interesting, isn’t it?

You no longer need to select the text for it. When you move the cursor near it, a down arrow will appear next to it. Select the chosen choice from the contextual menu by clicking the arrow.

Method #8. Speak the selected text

This is a Safari-exclusive function. It combines the browser’s normal Speech functionality with Live Text. As a result, the selected text can be converted to speech. Select Speech from the contextual menu and then Start Speaking.

What do you think?

Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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