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How to Play Roblox on Chromebook?

How to Play Roblox on Chromebook
How to Play Roblox on Chromebook

How to Play Roblox on Chromebook? Roblox is a popular platform that works with a wide range of operating systems and platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and even the Xbox One. Unfortunately, there is no Roblox version for Chrome OS. There are, however, a couple of workarounds that may allow you to play Roblox on a Chromebook.

Chromebooks are ideal for basic tasks such as browsing the web, sending emails, and creating documents. But what if you want to have some fun? Can you play Roblox games on a Chromebook?

To answer your question, we’ll have to give you both good and bad news. The good news is that Roblox can be played on Chromebooks. It won’t be long before you’re playing JailBreak, Adopt Me, or using Roblox Music Codes to listen to music while playing. On the other side, getting the game to work will be difficult.

If you’ve tried playing games on Chrome OS using Browserstack, you know it’s not the most dependable platform. To assist you, we’ve discovered four alternatives to Browserstack for playing Roblox on your Chromebook: Let’s get started with using the Google Play Store using Chrome Remote Access on Linux OS with Crossover!

How to Play Roblox on Chromebook?

Roblox on Chromebook

Here is the method to Play Roblox on Chromebook:

Method #1. Installing Roblox From Google Play

Once upon a time, Android was the only operating system capable of running apps from the Google Play Store, but times have changed, and owners of select Chromebook models can now reap the advantages. If you’re one of the fortunate few who can, this is the simplest and most dependable way to play Roblox on your Chromebook.

  1. Follow the instructions below to determine whether your specific model supports Google Play apps.
  2. Click on your user photo, which is normally in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
    When the pop-out window displays, click the Settings icon (a gear).
  3. The Chrome OS Settings interface should now be visible. Scroll down and look for the Google Play Store section. If you are unable to locate this part, it is likely that your Chromebook model does not allow Google Play Store apps and you should try one of the other options described later in this article.
  4. If you find this section and it isn’t already turned on, turn it on by clicking the TURN ON button and consenting to the Google Play Terms of Service.

It’s time to install Roblox now that you’ve enabled Google Play on your Chromebook.

  1. Start the Chrome browser.
  2. Go to the Google Play Store and search for Roblox.
  3. Tap the INSTALL option.
  4. A progress indicator detailing the status of the file download process will now be shown. Roblox will be installed automatically once the installation is complete.
  5. When the installation is finished, click the OPEN button.
  6. Roblox now launches and prompts you to log in or create an account. To play Roblox later, click the Launcher button in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and select the game’s icon.

Method #2. Playing Roblox on a Remote Computer

This alternative technique of playing Roblox on your Chromebook only works if you or a friend has the game installed on a Mac or PC, and the latter circumstance allows you to remotely access their machine. You can connect to another computer that is running Roblox and play it on your Chromebook using the Chrome Remote Desktop software.

  1. To begin, check that the computer to which you intend to connect already has both the Chrome web browser and Roblox installed.
  2. Navigate to the Chrome Remote Desktop page in the Chrome Web Store on your Chromebook.
  3. Select the ADD TO CHROME option.
  4. Select Add App when asked.
  5. The Chrome Remote Desktop installation completes after a small wait, and a confirmation message displays in the lower right-hand corner of your screen.
  6. Repeat steps 2-4 on the Mac or PC where Roblox is installed, making that Chrome Remote Desktop is also installed.
  7. Launch the Chrome Remote Desktop app on both your Chromebook and the remote computer, and then follow the on-screen steps to connect Chrome OS to the Mac or Windows PC. If you’re only visiting a friend’s computer to play Roblox, you should both select the Remote Assistance option when the software initially runs. If you intend to use this computer frequently to play Roblox, choose the My Computers option and enable remote connections on the Roblox device. Choosing this option prompts your Mac or PC to install Chrome Remote Desktop Host, which allows you to establish trusted connections between it and your Chromebook.
  8. Once you’ve established a remote session from your Chromebook to your Mac or PC, launch the Roblox app and start playing. While Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to control another computer, it was not meant for resource-intensive games. As a result, you should expect slowness, failed connections, frame rate difficulties, and other frustrating interruptions.

Method #3. Playing Roblox on Linux

One of the more complicated methods for getting Roblox on your Chromebook is to first install the Linux operating system and then run the game within a virtual machine or through WineHQ, which allows you to run some Windows apps under Linux.

  1. To begin, you must first install Linux on your Chromebook. Once Linux is up and running, you must select whether to use a virtual machine solution or try to run the Windows version of Roblox with the WineHQ application.
  2. If you want to try running Roblox in a virtual machine and have a fully functional VM running macOS or Windows, go to the Roblox website and download the version that is compatible with your virtual operating system.
    To try running Roblox with WineHQ, first download and install the most recent stable version of the software from the WineHQ website. After installing and configuring WineHQ, go to the Roblox website to get the Windows version of the game. You should now be able to run the Roblox EXE from WineHQ on Linux.

Also Read: Top 15 Google Chrome Alternatives for Web Browsing

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Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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