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How to open RAR files on Mac?

How to open RAR files on Mac
How to open RAR files on Mac

How to open RAR files on Mac? You cannot read the contents of RAR files because Macs are unable to open them by default. If companies like Apple want to utilise the RAR file format as the default one in macOS, they must pay royalties to the format’s creator Eugene Roshal.

Therefore, using third-party software or websites is the only option to open RAR files. Who should you trust with your files among the sea of apps and websites, though? We provide you with a few choices.

Why can’t my Mac open RAR files?

open RAR files on Mac

How to open RAR files on Mac?

Here is the list of 4 methods to open RAR files on Mac:

Method #1. RAR files on a Mac without installing any software

Unarchiver is the app I would recommend, and user reviews concur. There are several apps available to view the contents of.rar files. To use the unarchive software to extract files from a.rar file on a Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Using any browser, go to Unzip Online.
  2. to select a file.
  3. After choosing the file, click Upload.
  4. Click Uncompress file now.
  5. Click it after it has been uploaded.
  6. Then, select Allow to start the Mac download of the file.
  7. After choosing a location, click save.

However, it is advisable to install an app on your Mac to extract the file if you have a sluggish internet connection, a large file, or a file that could contain sensitive information.

Method #2. Using Unarchiver to open a RAR file

Unarchiver is the app I would recommend even though there are numerous to view the contents of.rar files. The reviews support this as well. In order to extract.rar files, you must:

  1. From the App Store, download and install the Unarchiver application.
  2. Open the application, then select File from the top-level Menu bar.
  3. Choose to Unarchive to…
  4. Choose the file you want to open next.
  5. To unarchive, click.
  6. Select the destination after that, then click Extract.

Wait until the extraction is complete before attempting to locate the file in the previously chosen place.

Method #3. Use the default RAR file extractor

It’s preferable to use Unarchiver as the default file extractor if you have a lot of files to extract rather than opening the programme or dragging the files to the document. Mac will therefore start extracting RAR files anytime you double-click them in this manner. You only need to:

  1. Using Finder, locate the file that needs to be extracted.
  2. Click the file while holding down Control.
  3. Choose to Get info.
  4. Click Open with -> Select Unarchiver.
  5. Now, click Change all -> Continue.

Method #4. Use alternative apps

Keka: Keka is a free app that can be downloaded from both its website and the App Store. Similar to Unarchiver,.rar files can be extracted with that programme. The only drawback is that you need to extract files in order to read their contents.

Use the terminal’s unRAR code: This is not a standard feature, though. Installing third-party software is necessary in order to extract files on a Mac; in this case, we must install Homebrew. To extract them, you must then execute a programme in the Terminal. As one could imagine, if you have never used Terminal, it might be challenging to understand.

WinRAR: I have good news and terrible news if you’ve used WinRAR on Windows and wish to use it the same way on a Mac. The good news is that WinRAR is available for Mac, but the bad news is that it isn’t in a graphical user interface (GUI) form and can only be accessed through Terminal.

What do you think?

Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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