How to fix App Store not working on Mac? The Mac App Store is where most of us get our Mac apps. As a result, it is inconvenient when it suddenly stops working after an update or for some unknown reason. Don’t worry if the App Store isn’t working on your Mac running macOS Monterey! I’ve listed tried-and-true solutions to the problem.
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How to fix App Store not working on Mac?

Here is the list of 12 methods to fix the App Store not working on Mac:
Method #1. Check internet connection
When you encounter a problem with an online service, check to see if you are connected to the internet or have a good connection. Restart your Wi-Fi and check if you can now access the App Store. If the problem is not with your internet connection, proceed to the next method.
Method #2. Check if Apple’s systems are working fine
Not only does the App Store not work on your Mac, but if you have any problems with Apple services, the first thing you should do is check their Support Status page to see if their services are down.
The status of each service is indicated by a different colour. If the colour is green, the service is operational; otherwise, you must wait until Apple resolves the issue. If the colour next to Mac App Store is not green, you should wait until it is. There isn’t much you can do. If it is green, proceed to the next method!
Method #3. Check that the date and time are correct.
If your Mac’s date and time are incorrect, you will be unable to access any internet services, let alone the App Store. As a result, ensure that your Mac’s date and time are correctly set. Here’s how to go about it:
- Click the Apple icon -> System Preferences -> Date & Time.
- To unlock the preference pane, click the lock button below.
- Please enter your password.
- On Mac, there are two options for changing the date and time:
- Automatic: Set the correct network time server by checking the Set date and time automatically checkbox.
- Uncheck the Set date and time automatically box and manually enter the date and time on the calendar and clock.
- After you’ve set the time, click Save.
Method #4. Check that the Mac App Store is not restricted.
If you previously restricted the Mac App Store, you will encounter problems while using the app. So, in order to solve this problem, we must reverse it.
- Go to System Preferences -> Screen Time.
- Select Privacy and Content.
- Apps should be selected.
- Open the iTunes Store.
Method #5. Disable VPN to fix App Store not working on Mac
While using VPN, the Mac App Store may not function properly. Turn it off and see if you can now access the store. Disable VPN and change the App Store region on Mac because VPN changes the region. Check to see if the App Store is operational.
Method #6. Force quit and relaunch the App Store
You should close the App Store because you can’t use it. But instead of closing it normally, let us force it to close. You can do this by using the keyboard shortcut (Command⌘ + Q). Or:
Click the App Store button to the left of the Apple icon.
Choose Quit App Store.
Alternatively, right-click the App Store icon in the dock and select Quit.
Method #7. Restart your Mac to fix App Store not working on Mac
When something goes wrong with our Mac or iPhone, we use a magical spell called Restart! A simple restart may be sufficient to resolve the App Store problem. When you restart your Mac, it will clear all cache files stored in RAM.
While cache files help apps load faster, when they accumulate over time, they interfere with the proper operation of some apps. It’s a good idea to restart your Mac every now and then to avoid similar problems in the future.
Method #8. Sign out of Apple ID and back in
Services such as the App Store may malfunction if the data is not properly synced. You can resolve this problem by signing out and back into your Apple ID. When you do this, Apple will resync all of your data, which may resolve the problem. To sign out of your Apple ID on a Mac, follow these steps:
- Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner.
- Choose System Preferences.
- Sign out by clicking Apple ID.
Method #9. Use safe mode to fix App Store not working on Mac
To run Intel-powered Macs in safe mode, follow these steps:
- Start your Mac by holding down the Shift key.
- When the Login window appears, release the shift key.
- Log in to your Mac now.
- If you have FileVault enabled, you may need to repeat the process to boot into Safe mode.
Safe boot your M1-powered Macs and later:
- Hold the power button down until you see the startup option.
- Choose your startup disc.
- Hold the Shift key down until you see the login screen.
- Log in now.
Method #10. Update your Mac
- Navigate to System Preferences.
- System update should be selected.
- If an update is available, you will be given the option to update. Click on it.
Method #11. Create a new admin user on Mac
When you create a new user ID on your Mac, it behaves exactly like the first time you used it, as you will only see the pre-installed services and apps. There are no apps or files on the previous user’s profile that will influence this new user’s activities. Let’s go over how to make a new admin user on Mac:
- Click the Apple icon in the upper right corner.
- Select Users & Groups from the System Preferences menu.
- Click the lock icon now.
- To enable editing, enter the user ID password.
- To add a new user, click the plus icon to the right of the user list.
- Fill in the blanks with the user’s information.
- Then press the Confirm button.
Method #12. Contact Apple support
If none of the above methods works, you should contact Apple support. But, before you go, see if manually updating apps from the App Store helps.