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How to adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS?

How to adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS
How to adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS

How to adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS? In Finder, Mac users frequently modify the font size of file names, folders, and other content. Users with poor eyesight may benefit because the default text size of several Finder fonts is quite small and difficult to see. As a result, changing the text size is the sole option. Let’s look at how to adjust the font size in the Finder on Mac.

What is a Finder?

The Finder is an Apple macOS application that allows users to view and organise their files, folders, and other frequently used items. For example, you can use the Finder to locate each drive on your computer, share network devices, run a search, browse your programmes, and so on. Click the Finder icon (seen right) on the Dock to launch Finder. To change the Finder settings, go to the menu bar and select Finder.

How to adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS?

adjust or increase the text size of Finder fonts in macOS

Here is the method to adjust or increase the texts size of Finder fonts in macOS:

  1. Select any folder containing files.
  2. Navigate to the View menu and select Show View Options.
  3. Look for the Text Size drop-down menu.
  4. Choose the text size you want to use, then click the Use as Default button in the same navigation window.

This will change the text size in all Finder windows. If you do not select ‘Use as Default,’ the change in text size will be seen solely in that specific folder within Finder.

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Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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