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How to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup?

How to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup
How to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup

How to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup? Time Machine is a convenient built-in backup option on your Mac that allows you to generate restorable copies of your entire system on external storage. However, if you are creating a backup for the first time and have a large number of files on your Mac (or you are updating the Time Machine backup but have recently added a significant number of huge files to your laptop), your Time Machine may become stuck on Preparing backup.

If you’re wondering how long it should take to prepare a backup, it truly depends on the size of all the files on your machine and whether you’re doing it for the first time. For systems with a large number of files and applications, the first backup will take some time. If your Mac is new and you don’t have much on it, preparing a backup shouldn’t take more than 5 or 10 minutes. For a 10 GB backup, Time Machine waited about 10 minutes to complete its first backup. When you schedule regular backups, they pile on top of each other and don’t take long.

Preparing first-time backups and even follow-up backups for systems with a large number of apps, files, or other data may take some time. If the Time Machine progress indicator does not show any progress for more than 30 minutes, your backup is most likely stuck.

How to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup?

fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup

Here is the list of 8 methods to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup:

Method #1. Stop the Current Time Machine Backup

The first step is to terminate the existing Time Machine backup process. Go to the Time Machine window and click the X button next to the progress bar to do so. Wait for the Preparing backup activity bar to fade away. Make sure to uncheck Back Up Automatically.

Method #2. Delete the “.inProgress” file to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup

You must delete the.inProgress file or the cancelled backup process detected on your backup drive after ending the current backup process. To accomplish this:

  1. Launch Finder and navigate to your Time Machine drive in the sidebar.
  2. Select Backups.backupd.
  3. Look for a file with the .inProgress extension.
  4. Select and delete it, then clear your Trash.

If you can’t find the file, try switching to List view. The file you’re looking for will have the date when the Time Machine backup was started in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HHMMSS.

Method #3. Restart your Mac

After completing the preceding instructions, restart your Mac before attempting to resume Time Machine. Restarting may assist to resolve minor bugs and difficulties.

Method #4. Resume your Time Machine Backup

When you’re finished, you can try backing up your Mac again with Time Machine. If the problem persists, try the remedies listed below.

  1. Connect your Mac to the external storage device.
  2. You will be prompted to utilise this drive to backup with Time Machine. Check the Encrypt Backup Disk box. Then, select Use as a Backup Disk.
  3. Click the Apple logo in the upper left corner, then select System Preferences.
  4. Then, select Time Machine.
  5. Choose a backup disc.
  6. Finally, from the list of available discs, choose your external drive. It is also advised that you check the Encrypt backups box. Finally, press the Use Disk button.

Method #5. Exclude large files

Large data, such as images and movies, could be the cause of your Time Machine freezing. Try avoiding them to see if it resolves the problem:

  1. Navigate to the Time Machine window and select Options.
  2. Click +.
  3. Select the files or directories to be excluded and then click Exclude.
  4. Save the file.

Method #6. Make sure you have a robust network connection.

If you’re trying to backup over a network, a bad or non-existent Wi-Fi connection could be to blame. Check to see if you have a good Wi-Fi or internet connection.

Method #7. Update your macOS to fix Time Machine stuck on preparing backup

An out-of-date operating system might also cause problems with Time Machine. Make sure your macOS is up to date. To check if your macOS is up to date, go to the Apple menu and select About This Mac. Click the Software Update button. The window will inform you whether your Mac is up to date. If not, you’ll notice a button instructing you to update.

Method #8. Check your antivirus settings

Your antivirus programme can examine an external hard drive for infections. This, however, may conflict with the Time Machine backup. You should probably exclude your Time Machine drive from antivirus scanning.

What do you think?

Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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