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How to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone?

How to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone
How to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone

How to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone? The Dark Mode has been around for a while, and it’s eerie to be able to switch between dark and bright modes. It not only makes mobile apps stand out, but it also minimises eye strain. I’m sure Instagram is one of the many apps you’d like to explore in Dark Mode.

Although Instagram does not currently have an in-app setting for activating Dark Mode on the iPhone, it does change the look. So you may enable Instagram Dark Mode from your iPhone Settings by changing the theme of your smartphone. But first, a gentle reminder to update your iOS to the current version in order to use Instagram’s full functionality on the iPhone.

How to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone?

turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone

Here is the list of 2 methods to turn on Instagram Dark Mode on iPhone:

Method #1. Via iPhone Settings

  1. Go to your iPhone’s Settings.
  2. Navigate to Display & Brightness.
  3. To use the Dark Mode, tap Dark. This is automatically reflected on Instagram and many other apps, such as Twitter and Facebook.

To turn off Dark Mode, simply repeat the preceding steps and tap Light. Though using the Dark Mode on iPhone is an entirely personal decision, you may also set it for the evening. This will invariably change Instagram’s theme automatically.

  1. Display & Brightness in your iPhone Settings.
  2. Select the Automatic option.
  3. Then, select Options.
  4. To change the timing of the switch, select Custom Schedule:
  5. Set the time to 07:00 to activate the light mode in the morning, and 19:00 to activate the dark mode at night.

Method #2. Change Instagram Dark Mode on Mac or PC

When browsing Instagram on your PC or Mac, you can also enable Dark Mode. Again, there is no built-in option on the online app; you must change the look of your browser to use Instagram in Dark Mode.

When viewing Instagram via Safari on Mac, simply switch your Mac theme to Dark Mode, and Instagram will inherit the system setting.

When using Safari on your Mac, you should:

  1. Click the Apple ID symbol in the upper-right corner of System Preferences.
  2. Select General.
  3. Finally, choose Dark/Light as the default theme for the system.
  4. This default theme will be used the next time you run Safari and visit Instagram.

When using Microsoft Edge or Chrome, you should:

Simply enable Dark Mode for the browser without impacting the overall system settings:

  1. Navigate to [chrome://flags/] (for Chrome) or [edge://flags/] (for Microsoft Edge).
  2. Search for Theme in the top search box.
  3. Select Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents from the dropdown menu.
  4. Then choose Enabled/Disabled.
  5. Then, at the bottom right of your browser, click Relaunch to apply the modifications. When you open Instagram, it will now show in Dark Mode.

What do you think?

Written by Muhammad Furqan

Muhammad Furqan, an astute tech writer, navigates the complexities of technology with clarity and finesse in his insightful compositions.

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